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Tracking the impact of the digital revolution

Tracking the impact of the digital revolution

The second session of the 2016 Foundation Seminar Series (FSS) took place on 13–14 October in the premises of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in Berlin.

The event continued and built on the progress made at the first session, in Dublin in May, on the theme ‘The impact of digitalisation in the European Union: Building up national agendas for better implementation of digital

High cost of lower female employment

High cost of lower female employment

The EU would be an estimated €370 billion better off each year if the employment rate of women
equalled that of men.
This figure, which is equal to 2.8% of EU GDP, is the sum of income not earned and welfare
contributions not made plus the cost of welfare transfers. (It does not, however, take account of
the economic contribution of women not active in the labour market.) The finding c

Il nuovo rapporto di Eurofound - The Gender Employment Gap: Challenges and solutions

Il nuovo rapporto di Eurofound - The Gender Employment Gap: Challenges and solutions

Il nuovo rapporto di Eurofound – "Gender Employment Gap: challenges and solutions” è stato presentato al Parlamento Europeo martedì 11 Ottobre 2016.
Nonostante il tasso di occupazione femminile sia aumentato durante la crisi economica, la divergenza nell’occupazione tra uomini e donne in Europa e nella maggior parte dei paeasi membri è ancora significativa. A questo proposito, il rapporto si co

Gender employment gap costs Europe €370 billion per year

Gender employment gap costs Europe €370 billion per year

Our new report explores the main characteristics and consequences of gender gaps in labour market participation. It finds that the estimated cost of a lower female employment rate was €370 billion in 2013, corresponding to 2.8% of EU GDP. This does not include the unpaid domestic work performed by women who are not active in the labour market.

Publication alert - The gender employment gap: Challenges and solutions

Publication alert - The gender employment gap: Challenges and solutions

Eurofound's new publication The gender employment gap: Challenges and solutions will be presented to the European Parliament's Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality tomorrow at 5.00 pm (CET), and will subsequently be available to download directly from our website. Watch the presentation live at
For further information please contact either our promotions team,

Making work more sustainable throughout the life course

Making work more sustainable throughout the life course

European countries face the challenges of ageing populations supported by shrinking workforces, more precarious types of employment, and in many cases, a decreasing number of jobs in the wake of the economic crisis. As a result, the issue of how to enable more people to participate in the labour market and to continue to do so until an older age has become a key policy issue in all EU Member State

Charting the state of housing across the EU

Charting the state of housing across the EU

The prevalence of structural problems in dwellings in the EU varies considerably between Member States.
On average, 12% of EU residents report damp or leaks in their walls and roofs; 9% live in accommodation with rot in the windows, doors or floors; and 14% of resident indicate that they cannot afford to keep their home adequately warm.
Such problems are most common in Cyprus, where 51% of d

A year in review – working life in 2015

A year in review – working life in 2015

A new report from Eurofound – Developments in working life in Europe: EurWORK annual review 2015 – collates information based on research from Eurofound’s network of European correspondents. The correspondents report national-level information on industrial relations and working conditions for the Agency’s European Observatory of Working Life (EurWORK).
The material, published in the form of a

Eurofound contributes to ILERA conference

Eurofound contributes to ILERA conference

The 11th European Congress of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) took place in Milan over 8–10 September 2016. A corporate member of ILERA, Eurofound has played an active role in previous European and world congresses, contributing to the discussion and sharing information. It continued its contribution at this year’s congress, the theme of which – The future of

Finding win–win solutions to boost competitiveness

Finding win–win solutions to boost competitiveness

Well-functioning social dialogue is a key component in implementing the reforms that will boost European competitiveness. A new report from Eurofound examines how management, employees and their representatives achieve common solutions to common problems. It identifies a number of elements of good practice, such as regular meetings between management and employees to follow up on decisions, contin

Irish Minister for Social Protection visits Eurofound

Irish Minister for Social Protection visits Eurofound

On 7 September, Leo Varadkar (pictured right), Irish Minister for Social Protection, visited Eurofound. He met with Eurofound’s Director Juan Menéndez-Valdés and senior research and communications staff to learn more about the Agency’s work in the fields of sustainable work and inclusive labour markets. Eurofound has recently published a report analysing Member States’ strategies to make work more

Combining work with partial retirement

Combining work with partial retirement

With people living longer and birth rates falling across Europe, a priority of EU policy is to encourage Europeans to remain in work beyond current retirement ages, to minimise pressure on pension systems.
At present, older workers often leave the workforce before statutory retirement age, with health problems and care responsibilities cited as common reasons. Many more people simply wish to w

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Eurofound, a tripartite European Union Agency, provides knowledge to assist in the development of social, employment and work-related policies

Eurofound (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions) is a tripartite EU body, whose mission is to provide knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies.


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