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Strong partnerships between governments and social partners are essential to prevent trafficking and exploitation in Europe

Strong partnerships between governments and social partners are essential to prevent trafficking and exploitation in Europe

[Listen to Eurofound Research Officer Andrea Fromm introduce the new report on preventing the trafficking of labour here.]
Workers are mobile and can move freely within the EU single market across borders. In order to protect these workers from being exploited and enables businesses to engage in fair competition, the EU has strong legislation in place. But does that mean that trafficking d

Misure a sostegno delle start-up giovanili: dall’implementazione alla valutazione

Misure a sostegno delle start-up giovanili: dall’implementazione alla valutazione

Cliccare qui per ascoltare la ricercatrice Sara Riso introdurre il nuovo rapporto 

Il nuovo rapporto di Eurofound ‘misure a sostegno delle start-up giovanili: dall’implementazione alla valutazione’ offre una mappatura della varietà delle misure agevolative a favore delle start-up giovanili e rivisita in modo critico i risultati che emergono da valutazioni di tali interventi volte a stab

Tackling Trafficking For Labour Exploitation In Europe: New Way Forward Together

Tackling Trafficking For Labour Exploitation In Europe: New Way Forward Together

This article by Andrea Fromm was originally posted on Social Europe Journal, to view it please click here. 

The European Union (EU) has strong legislation in place that protects workers from being exploited and also enables businesses to engage in fair competition. Workers are mobile and can move freely within the EU single market across borders – without being dependent upon trafficker

New report stresses need for stronger monitoring of labour market agencies to prevent trafficking of workers

New report stresses need for stronger monitoring of labour market agencies to prevent trafficking of workers

(Dublin, Ireland): With growing numbers of workers moving freely across the European Union, the role of labour market intermediaries (LMIs) in matching workers with companies’ needs has become increasingly important in helping the single market to function effectively. However, some LMIs also play a part in the deceitful recruitment or transfer of workers who may subsequently be exposed to exploit

Start-up support schemes need to be evaluated on their outcomes for young people

Start-up support schemes need to be evaluated on their outcomes for young people

** Listen to Eurofound Research Officer Sara Riso introduce the Start-up support for young people publication here.**

The new Eurofound report ‘Start-up support for young people: From implementation to evaluation’ maps the variety of publicly supported interventions on youth entrepreneurship and reviews a range of policy evaluations assessing their impact and effectiveness.
What beco

Up-to-the-minute picture of restructuring in Europe

Up-to-the-minute picture of restructuring in Europe

Since 2002, Eurofound’s European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) has been monitoring the employment impact of large-scale restructuring events in Europe; it now covers the 28 EU Member States as well as Norway. 
The ERM offers a searchable database of restructuring events containing factsheets with data from the principal national media in each EU Member State. Updated daily, the database has recor

Evidence-based youth entrepreneurship policies

Evidence-based youth entrepreneurship policies

There is no shortage of start-up support measures for young people in the EU. However, a new report from Eurofound warns policymakers that the failure to conduct more robust policy impact evaluations carries the risk of delivering ineffective interventions and wasting public money. 
The report, Start-up support for young people in the EU: From implementation to evaluation, points to many shortf

Annual meeting of Eurofound’s correspondents

Annual meeting of Eurofound’s correspondents

A key element of Eurofound’s work is the research conducted at national level by its network of European correspondents, operating in all 28 EU Member States and in Norway. The work of these correspondents supports Eurofound’s research activities – in particular, the work of its observatories: the European Observatory of Working Life (EurWORK) and the European Monitoring Centre on Change (EMCC). <

Wage boost for low-paid workers in UK and Ireland

Wage boost for low-paid workers in UK and Ireland

​A national living wage came into force in the UK on 1 April, meaning that employers are now required to pay employees aged 25 and over at least GBP 7.20 (€9.02) an hour.

Looking ahead to the next four-year programme

Looking ahead to the next four-year programme

Eurofound’s Programming Document 2017–2020, adopted by the Agency’s Governing Board, will set the template for all of its activities over the next four years.

Preventing trafficking of labour in Europe

Preventing trafficking of labour in Europe

New data on the highly topical issue of preventing trafficking of labour will be presented to MEPs at a working lunch in Brussels on 27 April, with the launch of a new report from Eurofound.

Avoiding The Quick Fix Approach To Solving Youth Unemployment

Avoiding The Quick Fix Approach To Solving Youth Unemployment

This is a re-post of a blog piece published on Social Europe (SE) on 14 April.
by Sara Riso
A key priority for EU policy makers is to combat high levels of youth unemployment. Supporting young people to start a new business is increasingly regarded as a way to achieve this goal. And yet the understanding of what drives the success and failure of youth entrepreneurship policies remains incomp

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Eurofound, a tripartite European Union Agency, provides knowledge to assist in the development of social, employment and work-related policies

Eurofound (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions) is a tripartite EU body, whose mission is to provide knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies.


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