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Neuer Eurofound Bericht setzt sich mit der Vielfalt der NEETs in Europa auseinander

Neuer Eurofound Bericht setzt sich mit der Vielfalt der NEETs in Europa auseinander

von Stefanie Ledermaier
Seit 2010 hat das NEET-Konzept, damit werden junge Menschen zwischen 15 und 24 bezeichnet, die sich weder in einem Arbeits- noch in einem Ausbildungsverhältnis befinden, in der politischen Debatte Einzug gehalten. Grund dafür war hauptsächlich der starke Anstieg der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit infolge der Wirtschaftskrise. Für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene wurde es zunehme

Image © Creative Commons, Sebastian Fuss

Statement on the terror attack in Nice

Eurofound deplores the horrendous attack carried out in the French city of Nice, and expresses our deep sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims.
We stand united with the other EU Institutions and Agencies in condemning these cowardly attacks on the innocent.
It will not leave us depressed or hopeless but rather make us more determined to strive for tolerance, freedom and uni

Going beyond the label: Exploring the diversity of NEETs

Going beyond the label: Exploring the diversity of NEETs

Although recent statistics show an improvement in the labour market situation of young people, Eurofound’s new report ‘Exploring the diversity of NEETs’ emphasises the ongoing need to focus on the specific needs of different groups of young people who are NEET.

Statement on the referendum of the United Kingdom's membership of the European Union

Statement on the referendum of the United Kingdom's membership of the European Union

Following the result of the United Kingdom referendum on EU membership, Eurofound will continue to implement its work programme and provide European policymakers with high-quality, timely and policy-relevant knowledge as input to better informed social and work-related policies, covering up to 35 countries (EU Member States, candidate countries and other European countries).
To repeat the reass

Factors influencing the job-creation potential of SMEs

Factors influencing the job-creation potential of SMEs

The figure above, derived from Eurofound’s recent report on Job creation in SMEs, illustrates the bundle of factors that determine whether an SME will create jobs – some relating to the company itself (internal) and others relating to the economic and institutional environment in which it operates (external). 
Several of the elements are interrelated or have an influence on each other. The stre

​Cooperation with EU Fundamental Rights Agency

​Cooperation with EU Fundamental Rights Agency

Newly appointed Director at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), Michael O’Flaherty, visited Eurofound for the first time on 27 May. 
A meeting with Eurofound’s Deputy Director, Erika Mezger, and other Agency staff included an open exchange on the activities of the network of EU Agencies and discussion on the work of the cluster grouping of Justice and Home Affairs Agencies. 

​New European Platform to tackle undeclared work

​New European Platform to tackle undeclared work

Fairness in the European labour market was the vision evoked by Commissioner Thyssen in her opening speech at the launch of the European Platform to tackle undeclared work on 27 May.
Aimed at enhancing cooperation in tackling undeclared work, the new European Platform was set up by the European Commission, together with Member States and stakeholders. 
Eurofound has observer status in the P

​Slow but steady return to employment growth

​Slow but steady return to employment growth

Europe has begun to emerge from its prolonged economic slump: in 2014–2015, for instance, over four million new jobs were created in the EU28. Eurofound’s fifth annual European Jobs Monitor report looks at changes in net employment between Q2 2011 and Q2 2015, at Member State level and in the EU overall. 
It uses a ‘jobs-based’ approach to describe employment shifts quantitatively (how many job

​Studying the impact of digitalisation on work

​Studying the impact of digitalisation on work

A 2014 study from think-tank Bruegel estimates that over the next 20 years, more than 50% of the EU workforce will have their job partly replaced through automation. Advances in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and mobile robotics are likely to affect low-wage, low-skill sectors that have traditionally been immune from this high-tech automation.
This is the context of change against w

Living and Working in Europe 2015

​A year in the life of Europe

The Eurofound yearbook 2015: Living and working in Europe has just been published, highlighting research into pivotal social and employment issues in Europe, in a year when Eurofound celebrated the 40th anniversary of its establishment.
The yearbook describes 12 months of divergent trends in the work and lives of people in Europe. Working conditions of those at work have not, on the whole, been

What do Europeans do at work? A task-based analysis: European Jobs Monitor 2016

What do Europeans do at work? A task-based analysis: European Jobs Monitor 2016

Europe has begun to emerge from the prolonged slump caused by the global financial crisis in 2008 and exacerbated by the euro zone single-currency crisis in 2010–2011. In 2014–2015, aggregate employment levels rose faster than at any time since 2008: over four million new jobs were created in the EU28. The fifth annual European Jobs Monitor report looks at employment shifts in the European Union.

Going beyond the headlines to find out what it is really like to live and work in Europe

Going beyond the headlines to find out what it is really like to live and work in Europe

In this blog piece, originally posted on Social Europe Journal, Eurofound Director Juan Menéndez-Valdés looks the complex and multi-faceted story of what it is to live and work in the European Union of today.
Brexit dominates political debate, migrants stream through borders, social protection systems are collapsing, changing forms of work are corroding conditions, unemployment levels remain hi

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Eurofound, a tripartite European Union Agency, provides knowledge to assist in the development of social, employment and work-related policies

Eurofound (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions) is a tripartite EU body, whose mission is to provide knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies.


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