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Eurofound welcomes European Year of Youth 2022

Eurofound welcomes European Year of Youth 2022

Eurofound welcomes European Year of Youth 2022 #EYY2022. The situation of young people in the EU has long been an important focus for Eurofound’s work. Eurofound remains committed to continuing its work to provide policymakers with the most timely, relevant and reliable data and research to address the challenges facing young people.

Image © Eurofound 2021, crédits: Conor Healy / Picture It Photography

Se relever de cette pandémie passe par un nouvel espoir pour l’avenir

Après les mesures immédiatement prises pour faire face à la crise, les problèmes anciens, qui avaient étaient relégués au second plan parce que le contrôle de la propagation du virus était primordial, refont surface et doivent être abordés. La situation précaire des jeunes en Europe figure au premier rang de ces défis.

Visit of Irish social partners to Eurofound; (left to right) Danny McCoy, Chief Executive Officer, Ibec, Ivailo Kalfin, Executive Director, Eurofound and Patricia King, General Secretary, ICTU

Changes in the world of work to the fore of discussions between Eurofound and Irish social partners, ICTU and IBEC

Eurofound’s management met with Irish social partners, Patricia King, General Secretary, ICTU and Danny McCoy, Chief Executive Officer, Ibec, at Eurofound in Dublin, on Wednesday, 15 December 2021, to discuss some of the Agency’s most recent research findings on changes in workplace practices, work organisation, hybrid working, gender, labour market dynamics and the role of collective bargaining.

Image: © Gorodenkoff/Adobe Stock

Digitalisation rewards may see rise in labour market inequalities

Digitalisation, such as the automation of tasks, digitisation of processes, and coordination through platforms is transforming the way in which people in Europe work. Many workers and businesses stand to gain from these ongoing changes, but some will lose out – potentially heightening labour market inequalities.

Image: © Eurofound 2021

Eurofound and European Commission further cooperation on youth policy

Eurofound Executive Director Ivailo Kalfin met with Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth in Brussels this week to discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on young people in the EU, as well as the forthcoming European Year of Youth 2022.

Image © CharwoodPhoto /Adobe Stock Photos

Finland has highest teleworking rate in the EU before and during the pandemic

Almost one in four workers (22.4%) in Finland usually worked from home during 2020, according to new analyses published in Eurofound’s recent research report What just happened? COVID-19 lockdowns and change in the labour market. This is the highest proportion across the EU, where the average is 10.8%. All Member States reported an increase of teleworking during 2020, but the largest increases (in

Image © catalinlazar/Adobe Stock Photos

Romania keeps youth unemployment below EU average

In 2020, the youth unemployment ratio in Romania was 5.5%, while the EU27 average stood at 7.1%. This ratio, which notes number of unemployed young people as a proportion of the total population of that age group, increased in almost all EU Member States between 2019 and 2020. In Romania, specifically, the figure rose from 4.8%, while the EU average increased from 6.5%.
This data was recently

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Eurofound, a tripartite European Union Agency, provides knowledge to assist in the development of social, employment and work-related policies

Eurofound (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions) is a tripartite EU body, whose mission is to provide knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies.


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