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Today Czechia celebrates its national day and we mark the occasion by sharing our research data and analysis to provide a snapshot of the country’s living and working conditions.

Czechia records the lowest level of social exclusion across the EU

Czechia records the lowest rates of those at risk of poverty and social exclusion across the EU at just 12.2% – considerably below the EU average of 21.7%. The number of people reporting difficulties in making ends meet has also decreased from 52% in 2011 to 40% in 2016 and perceived quality of public services has improved to be in line with EU averages.

This weekend marks the Austrian national day. What’s the working life situation in the country?

Almost half of Austrian women work part-time to provide informal care

​Austria has one of the highest female part-time rates in the EU. This is linked largely to a heavy reliance on informal care where 80% of those in need of long-term care are being cared for informally by a family member. The high level of part-time work (47.9% of women compared to just 8.1% of men) has significant consequences for Austria’s gender pay gap.

Healthcare in the twilight zone: Europe's squeezed middle struggle to access health services

Healthcare in the twilight zone: Europe's squeezed middle struggle to access health services

People in the lowest income groups remain the most likely to report difficulties in accessing primary care services across the European Union, according to Eurofound research. More than 8 out of 10 people in the EU reported using health services in 2016, but many still struggle to access services, including those with incomes just above the threshold that would entitle them to state support.

The majority of workers in Europe with a limiting health condition are not being supported in terms of workplace adaptation

Just one in three workers with limiting chronic disease in adapted workplace

Just one in three workers in the EU whose daily activities are severely or somewhat limited by a chronic disease report that their workplace has been adapted to accommodate their health problem. This means the majority of workers in Europe with a limiting health condition are not being supported in terms of workplace adaptation.

Improved public services key to better quality of life in Europe

Improved public services key to better quality of life in Europe

Levels of trust and social cohesion have recovered overall in the EU since the financial crisis, perceived social exclusion has declined and there has been an increase in active citizenship and civic engagement, according to Eurofound’s flagship report ‘​Challenges and prospects in the EU: Quality of life and public services’.

Let’s move beyond platitudes on platform work

Let’s move beyond platitudes on platform work

Platform work is still small in scale in Europe, but it is increasing – and this not only in terms of the number of platforms, workers and tasks, but also the diversity of business models, matching mechanisms and types of tasks that are mediated through an online platform or an app.

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Young people, particularly those low qualified, bear the brunt of social inequalities in Spain

This week Spain celebrates the Fiesta Nacional, and we mark the occasion by sharing our research data, findings and analysis to provide a snapshot of the country’s living and working conditions. Eurofound has been monitoring and reporting on living and working conditions in Spain, in comparison to other EU Member States, since before its accession to the EU in 1986.

Capital gains: Employment growth in EU capitals outstrips other regions over 15-year period

Capital gains: Employment growth in EU capitals outstrips other regions over 15-year period

Employment grew by 19% in capital city regions in the EU’s largest Member States between 2002 and 2017, compared to 10-12% in other domestic regions. This employment growth has been reflected in the growing national economic weight of capital regions, with cities such as London, Paris and Stockholm accounting for 30% and more of the GDP of their respective countries.

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Eurofound, a tripartite European Union Agency, provides knowledge to assist in the development of social, employment and work-related policies

Eurofound (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions) is a tripartite EU body, whose mission is to provide knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies.


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