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Restructuring: Do unions still matter?

Trade unions in many EU Member States face the issue of declining membership. This is a fundamental challenge for organised labour, but it is premature to speak about the redundancy unions: when it comes to important decisions affecting the workplace, restructuring being one, trade unions remain a powerful mechanism of employee voice.

As Latvia celebrates its national day on Monday, we mark the occasion by sharing our research and analysis to provide a snapshot of current living and working conditions.

Living standards and wellbeing improving in Latvia, but not for everyone

​Quality of life in Latvia has improved significantly in recent years with the share of people struggling to make ends meet reducing from 76% in 2003 to 52% in 2016. At the same time, self-reported life satisfaction increased from 5.6 in 2003 to 6.3 in 2016 and happiness levels from 6.5 to 7.0.

Future of work: What can we learn from cooperatives and social enterprises?

Future of work: What can we learn from cooperatives and social enterprises?

Much of the discussion on the future of work is focused on globalisation and technology, and their impacts on the labour market. However, there is also a growing interest in the business models used by cooperatives and social enterprises, and how they can contribute to a better future of work.

Working life has changed radically over the past century, but working time largely has not

100 years of 8-hour working days

John Maynard Keynes famously thought that, by now, the primary societal issue would be boredom, due to productivity increasing to a level where we would only need to work 15 hours per week. He was evidently wrong. Despite huge changes in technology and productivity, long working hours are still prevalent.

Cost is a barrier to early childhood education and care in Europe

Cost is a barrier to early childhood education and care in Europe

While high-quality childcare and early education is of growing importance, both for children’s development and for facilitating women’s access to the labour market, Eurofound’s research shows that cost is an issue for four out of ten users of early childhood education and care (ECEC) services in the EU.

Where are all the good jobs?

Where are all the good jobs?

Economic disparities have been decreasing between EU member states over the past decade, but at the same time inequality has been growing within member states. Despite national level convergence, the gap in wealth and income between the rich and the poor is growing in most of Europe.

Ageing Europe puts pressure on informal care

Ageing Europe puts pressure on informal care

The high levels of reliance on informal care across EU Member States - with 15% or more of care being provided on an informal basis in countries such as Belgium, France, Latvia and Romania – comes with significant social and economic costs for both carers and society, including loss of employment, social protection expenditure, social isolation and the healthcare needs of informal carers.

Today Czechia celebrates its national day and we mark the occasion by sharing our research data and analysis to provide a snapshot of the country’s living and working conditions.

Czechia records the lowest level of social exclusion across the EU

Czechia records the lowest rates of those at risk of poverty and social exclusion across the EU at just 12.2% – considerably below the EU average of 21.7%. The number of people reporting difficulties in making ends meet has also decreased from 52% in 2011 to 40% in 2016 and perceived quality of public services has improved to be in line with EU averages.

This weekend marks the Austrian national day. What’s the working life situation in the country?

Almost half of Austrian women work part-time to provide informal care

​Austria has one of the highest female part-time rates in the EU. This is linked largely to a heavy reliance on informal care where 80% of those in need of long-term care are being cared for informally by a family member. The high level of part-time work (47.9% of women compared to just 8.1% of men) has significant consequences for Austria’s gender pay gap.

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Eurofound, a tripartite European Union Agency, provides knowledge to assist in the development of social, employment and work-related policies

Eurofound (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions) is a tripartite EU body, whose mission is to provide knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies.


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