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2014: Citizen Action for better family policies #FamiliesVOTE2014 debate
Nearly 400 million adults in Europe will be entitled to vote between 22 and 25 May to choose the 751 MEPs in the new European Parliament. The European Parliament has power in a number of areas that affect everyday lives of the families living in Europe. We need to shout it out loud, all at once: It is important to vote!
#FamiliesVOTE2014 debate
Eurofound is organising an event together with COFACE, the Confederation of Family Organisations in the EU, called "2014: Citizen Action for better family policies”, aimed at helping European citizens to make a choice for the 2014 European Parliament Elections on 25 May, with the participation of students, volunteers, bloggers, civil society representatives and journalists.
The 28 March event in Berlin will focus on how to tackle the current political distrust and disengagement of European citizens, at the same time motivate voters to get engaged in having more information on the EU, specifically the European Parliament, and vote at the EP elections in May.
#FamiliesVOTE2014 event aims at boosting citizens’ knowledge and understanding on what the EU can and will do for families’ wellbeing.
Sign up for the Thunderclap campaign now and on March 28 you
will able to join the debate and ask questions: Why should I vote? What the EU
can and will do for families’ wellbeing?
We will be livestreaming the event on 28 March from 1pm to 3 pm (GMT+1).