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(c) Eurofound EUP Images 2017
(c) Eurofound EUP Images 2017

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New survey launched to improve reporting of collective bargaining in the EU

Eurofound provides systematic and comparable data on national industrial relations systems and developments in working life. This is done through monitoring and reporting tools integrated in the European Observatory of Working Life (EurWORK).

Eurofound has launched a stakeholder survey in an effort to improve the way in which it reports on collective bargaining, and to transition from an initial focus on wage-bargaining outcomes to cover collective bargaining in a more holistic way, 

The survey is aimed at governments, social partner organisations (employer representatives and trade unions) in all EU Member States, as well as the European Commission. The survey is designed to ascertain which kinds of data and information about collective bargaining are most useful and worthwhile for stakeholders. The survey will remain open until 30 September 2017.

To complete the survey, please visit

Since its inception in 1976, Eurofound has developed as a centre of expertise for monitoring and analysing trends in industrial relations, including social dialogue and collective bargaining. It aims to support the policymaking activities of EU institutions, governments, employers, trade unions and civil society organisations with comparative research data, findings and analysis.




James Higgins

James Higgins

Press contact Communication Officer +353-1-204-3100
Måns Mårtensson

Måns Mårtensson

Press contact Media & Promotion Manager Media relations, marketing and promotion +353-1-204 3124
Mary McCaughey

Mary McCaughey

Press contact Head of Information and Communication

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