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#AskTheExpert webinar 10 June: How are people living and working in the EU experiencing this pandemic?

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#AskTheExpert webinar 10 June: How are people living and working in the EU experiencing this pandemic?

The first findings from Eurofound’s survey Living, working and COVID-19 launched on 9 April paint a stark picture, with people across the EU experiencing a deterioration in their economic situation and concerns for their financial future. EU citizens are generally reporting a decrease in their well-being but young people in particular are reporting much lower levels of mental well-being and higher levels of loneliness than other age groups.

The survey findings confirm an increase in telework and, for many, a feeling of insecurity about their jobs, with a sharp fall in working time. People are reporting very low levels of trust in the EU and their national governments. The findings also indicate that the economic and social fallout of the crisis is affecting women disproportionately, exacerbating Europe’s gender divide.

Join us on 10 June for a live #AskTheExpert webinar with Senior Researcher Massimiliano Mascherini @MascheriniM and Mary McCaughey @MaryMcCaugheyEF Head of Information and Communication to discuss the #COVID19SurveyEU findings why particular groups of people are feeling the impact more than others and explore the policy options to help address these challenges.

The webinar will also be an opportunity to discuss the implications of the pandemic for the EU’s overall employment and social policy agenda.

A LIVE chat will be available for questions and comments.

Sign up here



Massimiliano Mascherini

Massimiliano Mascherini

Head of Unit, Social Policies
Mary McCaughey

Mary McCaughey

Press contact Head of Information and Communication
Måns Mårtensson

Måns Mårtensson

Press contact Media & Promotion Manager Media relations, marketing and promotion +353-1-204 3124

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