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Composition of NEETs in Europe

Composition of NEETs in Europe

​'NEET' is a broad label and includes young people in very diverse situations. This graph shows the composition of NEETs in the EU.

The scarring effect of long-term youth unemployment

The scarring effect of long-term youth unemployment

Young people are more affected than other age groups by long-term unemployment. While long-term youth unemployment is certainly not a new policy challenge for Europe, it now affects a wider range of young people than it ever did before.

Wer sind die jungen Menschen, die weder eine Arbeit haben noch eine schulische oder berufliche Ausbildung absolvieren?

Wer sind die jungen Menschen, die weder eine Arbeit haben noch eine schulische oder berufliche Ausbildung absolvieren?

Die Kategorie der NEET ist breit angelegt und deckt eine heterogene Bevölkerung ab. Um die verschiedenen Merkmale und Bedürfnisse der Untergruppen besser verstehen zu können und maßgeschneiderte wirksame politische Strategien zur Wiedereingliederung in den Arbeitsmarkt oder das Bildungswesen entwickeln zu können, ist es wichtig, eine Aufschlüsselung in Untergruppen vorzunehmen.

Who are the NEETs?

Who are the NEETs?

NEETs is a broad category encompassing a heterogeneous population. Disentangling the subgroups within it is essential for a better understanding of their different characteristics and needs, and for tailoring effective policies to reintegrate them into the labour market or education.

​Qui sont les NEET ?

​Qui sont les NEET ?

La vaste catégorie des NEET réunit une population hétérogène. Il est essentiel de distinguer des sous-groupes pour mieux comprendre leurs différents besoins et caractéristiques, et pour élaborer des politiques adaptées et efficaces leur permettant de réintégrer le marché de l’emploi ou le système éducatif.

Publication alert: Exploring self-employment in the European Union

Publication alert: Exploring self-employment in the European Union

In the rapidly changing world of work, the traditional dichotomy of employee and self-employed is insufficient to capture the wide diversity of self-employed workers in Europe today. This report identifies five categories of self-employed, reflecting the wide-ranging attitudes, income levels, and health and well-being among this diverse group.

Annual review shows working life in Europe in transition

Annual review shows working life in Europe in transition

Working life in Europe is in a period of transition. Economic growth has picked up, employment continues to grow for the third consecutive year and unemployment rates – while still being above the level of 2007 in the EU28 - are generally in decline. However, Brexit and pay inequality present challenges for the future.

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Eurofound, a tripartite European Union Agency, provides knowledge to assist in the development of social, employment and work-related policies

Eurofound (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions) is a tripartite EU body, whose mission is to provide knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies.


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