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Variable attitudes towards variable pay in Europe

Variable attitudes towards variable pay in Europe

Performance-related pay and employee reward systems in Europe are often unevenly distributed among different groups of workers; particularly benefitting men, highly-skilled and highly ranked workers. Without robust monitoring and transparency, supplementary employee reward systems could potentially exacerbate pre-existing pay inequalities. This is according to Eurofound's new report Changes in rem

Inadequate housing is costing Europe €194 billion per year

Inadequate housing is costing Europe €194 billion per year

Inadequate and poor housing is costing EU economies nearly €194 billion per year in terms of both direct costs associated with healthcare and related medical or social services, as well as indirect costs such as lost productivity and reduced opportunities. The removal of housing inadequacies across the EU, or at least improving them to an acceptable level, would cost about €295 billion at 2011 pri

22% – the gender pay gap in the Czech Republic

Findings in Figures - Eurofound News July/August 2016

Some interesting figures from the July/August edition of Eurofound News:
13,000 – the entire workforce of Marinopoulos, one of the largest supermarket chains in Greece, who have been made redundant as a result of the company’s bankruptcy.
22% – the gender pay gap in the Czech Republic, which in March 2016 prompted the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs to launch a five-year campaign to na

Eurofound News July/August 2016 - In Brief

Eurofound News July/August 2016 - In Brief

From Eurofound News July/August 2016
Taking action to make work sustainable
For Europe to achieve its goals for growth, workers will have to work for longer and more people will have to work. This requires new thinking to make work sustainable over the life course. In other words, it means achieving living and working conditions that enable workers to retain their physical and mental health,

A light-hearted moment as members of Eurofound’s Governing Board prepare for a group photograph during the Groups meeting, which took place on 5–6 July.

Summer Groups meeting of the Eurofound Governing Board

From Eurofound News July/August 2016
Twice each year, the Board members meet in their separate stakeholder groups – Member State governments, trade unions and employer organisations – taking the opportunity to draw up their own meeting agenda and to discuss the issues of specific interest to their group.
The Board’s European Commission representatives are not present at the Groups meetings;

Contributing evidence to public debate

Contributing evidence to public debate

From Eurofound News July/August 2016
Last month’s referendum resulting in the UK’s decision to leave the EU has left policymakers on both sides of the English Channel seeking greater clarity, and not just regarding the UK’s future relationship with Europe.
Post-referendum analysis has highlighted public concerns on a range of issues central to the European policy agenda – migration, labour m

Working with the Slovak Presidency

Working with the Slovak Presidency

From Eurofound News July/August 2016
Slovakia took over the Presidency of the European Council from the Netherlands on 1 July, at a time of considerable challenges for the EU.
The priorities of the Presidency are: an economically strong Europe; a modern single market; sustainable migration and asylum policies; and a globally engaged Europe. Eurofound is cooperating with the Presidency in rel

Un mercado de trabajo en cambio que  puede definir el futuro de Europa

Un mercado de trabajo en cambio que puede definir el futuro de Europa

En el siguiente texto - basado en la contribución de Eurofound a la reunión informal de Ministros de empleo, política social, salud y consumo (EPSCO), de julio de 2016 - el director de Eurofound Juan Menéndez-Valdés echa un vistazo a cómo el mercado europeo se ha transformado en los últimos años y evalúa algunos retos del futuro.
Gran parte de las discusiones sobre el futuro del trabajo

Research shows that there are winners and losers from the recent crisis, and this may have a profound economic, social and political impact on Europe

Current changes to the labour market may well define the future of Europe

In this blog piece, based on Eurofound’s contribution to the July 2016 informal meeting of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO), Eurofound Director Juan Menéndez-Valdés looks at how the European labour market has changed in recent years and assesses future challenges.

Most discussions on the future of work are dominated by the impact of key changes

Neuer Eurofound Bericht setzt sich mit der Vielfalt der NEETs in Europa auseinander

Neuer Eurofound Bericht setzt sich mit der Vielfalt der NEETs in Europa auseinander

von Stefanie Ledermaier
Seit 2010 hat das NEET-Konzept, damit werden junge Menschen zwischen 15 und 24 bezeichnet, die sich weder in einem Arbeits- noch in einem Ausbildungsverhältnis befinden, in der politischen Debatte Einzug gehalten. Grund dafür war hauptsächlich der starke Anstieg der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit infolge der Wirtschaftskrise. Für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene wurde es zunehme

Image © Creative Commons, Sebastian Fuss

Statement on the terror attack in Nice

Eurofound deplores the horrendous attack carried out in the French city of Nice, and expresses our deep sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims.
We stand united with the other EU Institutions and Agencies in condemning these cowardly attacks on the innocent.
It will not leave us depressed or hopeless but rather make us more determined to strive for tolerance, freedom and uni

Going beyond the label: Exploring the diversity of NEETs

Going beyond the label: Exploring the diversity of NEETs

Although recent statistics show an improvement in the labour market situation of young people, Eurofound’s new report ‘Exploring the diversity of NEETs’ emphasises the ongoing need to focus on the specific needs of different groups of young people who are NEET.

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Eurofound, a tripartite European Union Agency, provides knowledge to assist in the development of social, employment and work-related policies

Eurofound (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions) is a tripartite EU body, whose mission is to provide knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies.


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