Stamping out fraud in hiring practices across Europe
Research Manager Isabella Biletta looks at fraudulent practices in the contracting of work across the EU. The article is based on several years of Eurofound research on the subject.
Research Manager Isabella Biletta looks at fraudulent practices in the contracting of work across the EU. The article is based on several years of Eurofound research on the subject.
Invitation to 'Future jobs - current challenges: Cedefop 2018 Skills forecast' launch event, in Brussels on 8 June 2018
The onset of the digital revolution has resulted in technological advances that are constantly evolving. This report reviews the history of the digital revolution to date, placing it in the context of other periods of marked technological advances and examining how technological change interacts with changes in institutions.
In this blog piece, originally published in Social Europe, Karel Fric and Camilla Galli da Bino look at the issue of discrimination against men in the workplace in Europe, and the current lack of research in this area.
The integration of migrants from outside the EU into society is one of the key challenges that the Union must address to maintain social cohesion and equality. In this blog piece Enrique Fernández-Macías and Tania Paniagua de la Iglesia look at how well migrants and their descendants have integrated into the labour markets of EU Member States.
Increases to minimum wages have gathered pace since 2010, with the highest increases recorded in countries which had the lowest minimum wages. However a large gap remains, with minimum wage workers in Bulgaria, the country with the lowest statutory minimum wage, earning just one-eighth the salary of minimum wages workers in Luxembourg, which has the highest rate.
In this blog, originally posted in Social Europe, Massimiliano Mascherini looks at the enduring issue of long-term unemployment among young people. Despite considerable improvement in the labour market participation of youth in recent years, the legacy of the crisis is still visible in the substantial increase in the cohort of long-term unemployed young people.
The new report Game changing technologies: Exploring the impact on production processes and work summarises the findings of five case studies on the likely impact of game changing technologies on production and employment in the manufacturing sector in Europe up to 2025.
The Heads of the EU Agencies have pledged to communicate to their staff that harassment in the workplace is not acceptable, to ensure respect for existing laws and the staff regulation, to promote diversity at work, and to provide a trusted environment in the workplace.
Die führende Stellung Deutschlands in Europa in den letzten Jahren war weitgehend auf die Position als Wirtschaftsmacht zurückzuführen. Deutschlands Platz in den kommenden Jahren kann auch durch seine Fähigkeit definiert werden, ein Kraftpaket für sozialen Zusammenhalt und Integration zu werden
Germany’s commanding position in Europe in recent years has largely been due to its reputation as an economic powerhouse. Its place in Europe in years to come may well be defined by its ability to also become a powerhouse for social cohesion and integration.
Eurofound and the European Economic and Social Committee, under the banner of the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU, bring together representatives of the social partners, EU institutions, national and regional representatives, practitioners, civil society and academics to debate on access and quality of public services in EU28, as highlighted in Eurofound’s European Quality of Life Survey.
Eurofound (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions) is a tripartite EU body, whose mission is to provide knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies.