New survey shines spotlight on increasingly complex world of work
The overview report of the pan-European sixth European Working Conditions Survey #6EWCS is launched today 17 November 2016
The overview report of the pan-European sixth European Working Conditions Survey #6EWCS is launched today 17 November 2016
Eurofound launches the overview report of its 6th European Working Conditions Survey (6th EWCS) at a joint event with the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, on 17 November 2016. Join the debate on Twitter at #6EWCS
Eurofound has published its yearbook for 2015. The report shows that employment in Europe is on a slow growth trajectory after a long period of job loss and economic stagnation, but quality of life has slipped for many Europeans, and poverty is a threat for millions. Download the report:
(Dublin, Ireland): With growing numbers of workers moving freely across the European Union, the role of labour market intermediaries (LMIs) in matching workers with companies’ needs has become increasingly important in helping the single market to function effectively. However, some LMIs also play a part in the deceitful recruitment or transfer of workers who may subsequently be exposed to exploit
Despite a return to economic growth, lone-parent families and large families with three or more dependent children face significant difficulties throughout Europe. In some countries more than eight out of ten lone-parent families are at risk of poverty or social exclusion.
Eurofound launches report that analyses the use of various social services and benefits by intra-EU migrants and shows that the ‘welfare magnet’ hypothesis - that EU mobile workers are coming from new EU Member States to older Member States in order to access benefits - is essentially untrue.
The first findings from Eurofound’s 6th European Working Conditions Survey presents a diverse picture of Europe at work over time across countries, occupations, gender and age groups. It was presented for the first time today at a joint high-level event with the Luxembourg EU Presidency.
Eurofound’s new report 'Social inclusion of young people' gives an in-depth analysis of early Youth Guarantee implementation and reviews policies for social inclusion and participation in several Member States, and provides recommendations as to how to improve the levels of social inclusion of young people across the European Union.
Eurofound’s new report on ‘Workplace innovation in European companies’ provides an understanding of why and how WPI is implemented in companies and organisations. The report will be presented to European social policy-makers and practitioners in Leuven, Belgium today.
Eurofound publishes its annual ‘Developments in collectively agreed pay’ report
Eurofound’s new ‘Developments in collectively agreed working time 2014’ report covers several issues related to the length of working time in the European Union and Norway in 2014.
This year marks 40 years for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound), the Dublin-based EU Agency charged with providing knowledge in the area of social and work-related policies.
Eurofound (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions) is a tripartite EU body, whose mission is to provide knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies.